From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Editing a screencast in your screencasting app

Editing a screencast in your screencasting app

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

Editing a screencast in your screencasting app

- Let's explore the process of editing a clip in Camtasia. What we're going to focus on here is the general approach to editing. So it doesn't really matter which screen capture tool you use but I want to walk you through some of the common steps that you're going to do to improve the overall project. Now, first up, I've opened up something we've recorded previously. I'm going to immediately choose Save As. This way, in case I need to, I can go back to a clean starting point. I'll call this Edits. And click Save. Now I'm effectively working with a copy of the material. What we're going to do now is make it a little bit easier to see things. Let's zoom on the timeline so we can better see our work. And see a little gap here before I start talking. We can mark an in and an out here. And I'll choose Ripple Delete or Control + back space. That closes the gap. Let's keep playing. Hi, my name's Richard Harrington…
