From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Doing a test record

Doing a test record

- Before you spend hours recording, do a test record. Problems happen, plugs get unplugged, power cables get crossed. There's lots of things that can go wrong and you don't want to spend hours recording just to find that you have an audio problem or that you were recording the wrong screen. Let's start with microphones. I'm using an external mic here but I need to make sure of a couple of things. First up, I've got a headset plugged in and I'm going to put it on for a moment to make sure that the audio is clean. This is a test record, checking my volumes. Let's just adjust the input levels a little bit. Sounds pretty good there. I'm adjusting the gain of the mic. And if I take that too high, I'm going to hear a little bit of background noise. That sounds pretty good to me. So I like the levels of that coming through. I can hear my fingers rubbing on the desk a little bit with the microphone. So I'm going to be…
