From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Audio editing goals for screencasts

Audio editing goals for screencasts

- As you edit, be sure to pay attention to unwanted gaps. If you paused or there is a long thought, you might want to tighten that up to keep the energy level. Let's find that clean in point here. Looking at the sharpening. Now in this case, right about here, and looking at the sharpening. So, we'll mark the in, and we'll put a split there. Let's unlock both tracks, and with them highlighted, we'll press S for split, and you see that they both split. We need to adjust the outpoint. On this case, I need a moment to gather my thoughts. So, what I carefully do is I lift my finger off of the mouse. This way, it's not shaking or jiggling. In fact, while I'm teaching, I tend to keep going. In fact, while I'm teaching, I tend to just hover my hand over the mouse. This looks like my audio spike right here. This way. This way, there's no unnatural shake or jiggling. Now that I go back into the tutorial, I'm going to…
