From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

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Advanced tools for screencasting on a PC

Advanced tools for screencasting on a PC

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a PC

Advanced tools for screencasting on a PC

- When it comes to screen recording on the PC, there's a clear market leader, and that's Camtasia from TechSmith. But TechSmith also makes another product called Snagit. Let's take a quick look at the two options so you understand some of their major benefits, and then a little later on, we'll go deeper into Camtasia. Snagit is the less expensive of the two. When you launch it, you'll see the ability to capture image, or video, or all-in-one. All-in-one is a pretty simple tool that just lets you capture things such as directly go to the editor or copy to the clipboard, whether or not you capture the cursor. And I'm going to add that five-second countdown delay. Let's go to video here though, and you'll see that we can choose what's being captured. For example, I could say capture the entire window. Don't do any sharing, just save it to a file. This lets me prompt for a file name, and choose where to put it. I don't need…
