From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a Mac

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Exporting a screencast for the web

Exporting a screencast for the web

- Chances are you're never really done video editing. You just run out of time or patience. You can always sit there and tweak and remove a gap, polish a breath, add some graphics, fix the color. It can go on forever. But most of the time you're going to eventually reach a point where you say, it's ready to share with the world or it's ready to get feedback. And at this point, you need to get it off of your computer and into a standard video file that others can enjoy. Let's start with a common scenario like social media. Now the tools may vary. I'm using ScreenFlow, but all of them are going to have the same command which is the ability to choose, "File Export". Also, if you have a longer file. You'll typically be able to mark out a range with the in and out points and then choose file export selected range. What you're going to do here is choose to export the file. Now this tool also had a cool shortcut called publish…
