From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a Mac

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Closing advice

Closing advice

- I hope you enjoy creating screencasts on your own. This is a great way to share content with others. And if you have a true passion, whether that be a hobby or a business venture, please take advantage of what you've learned in this course. I'd love to see what you're up to. So as you start publishing and sharing these videos, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn and connect. I love interacting with other content creators and exchanging ideas. What I suggest here is that you remember to balance things out as you learned in this course. A lot of folks rush to the option of recording, but if you skip the planning steps, it's not going to work out. Additionally, I hope we really hammered home for you that audio is even more important than the visuals. Not that the visuals aren't critical, but that bad audio is a make or break moment, and people won't pay attention if they can't properly hear you. Lastly, remember…
