From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a Mac

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Built-in tools for screencasting on a Mac

Built-in tools for screencasting on a Mac

From the course: Producing Screencast Videos on a Mac

Built-in tools for screencasting on a Mac

- Your Mac features some built in software to make it easy to record screens, it's called QuickTime. And you might think of it as just for playing back videos. But it actually has the ability to record as well. What you'll want to do is go to your applications folder and just look for quick time player. Older versions of the Mac had QuickTime and QuickTime Pro. Those features were merged together under OS 10 a few years back. Once you launch it, go to the file menu and choose New Screen Recording. You're now presented several options. Let's walk through what they basically mean. First up is the ability to choose what you're going to capture. Do you want to capture an individual window or a selection? You'll notice here that the selection can be repositioned or locked out to part of the screen. And this is fine but it gets a little imprecise. Normally, what you're going to do is capture the entire screen or you can capture an…
