From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Troubleshooting MIDI playback

Troubleshooting MIDI playback

you may run into a situation where a track that was previously working fine will no longer playback. This is usually caused by some change is either forgotten about or no longer undo able. Fortunately, the solution is usually simple. In this session, I've added some horn parts. For the main part I've used an I've also used a MIDI track with an alternate performance to trigger another instance of expand to, which I have on the trumpet aux input track. In the process, I have created some Now, it was after deleting the And because deleting tracks is not undo able in Pro Tools, to work backwards and fix the problem. But you can easily fix this type of problem if you know where to look. to view the plugins and the track routing. this one here, I have an expand to plug in. And if we examine the plugin, to verify that the plugin itself is configured correctly. Now the trumpet aux input track, here, And this also appears to be correct with the hard trumpets preset. of the source tracks is…
