From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Troubleshooting MIDI auditions

Troubleshooting MIDI auditions

- [Instructor] When getting ready to record a new MIDI part, you may at times have problems auditioning through the virtual instrument on the track. This can usually be traced to the current settings in your session. Here, we'll go over the effects of the Default Thru Instrument setting and preferences and the MIDI through setting in the options menu. I'm working in the off to work session and I'm considering adding a horns part. I've selected a horns preset and expand here. And I want to hear how that sounds. Now I have an attached MIDI keyboard but when I play the keys, I'm not hearing anything in Pro Tools. In order to audition the horns, I must first record-enable the track. This is required for auditioning from a connected physical keyboard and also from the onscreen MIDI keyboard. (horn music) If you'd like, you can change this behavior using the Default Thru Instrument setting, but there is a trade-off that…
