From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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The benefits of using Clip Groups

The benefits of using Clip Groups

- [Instructor] After completing any substantial work in a session, you're bound to have many clips and sub-clips littered across your tracks. And while there's nothing wrong with this from a sound quality perspective, it can make the session untidy and cumbersome to work with. One way to help clean things up is to employ the use of clip groups. I've been working on the song "Crash Down" by the Pinder Brothers and I've made some vocal edits, starting near bar 62. Let's have a listen. ♪ I'm crashed up ♪ Okay, so you can see the edits I've made on the two tracks involving several small clips here. isn't really a problem when I'm zoomed-in like this. And that works great for fine-tuning and micro editing. But when I'm zoomed out for larger scale editing, those small clips get hard to see and hard to select. And moving selections of audio around may become more work than we'd like. So we might find that we need to zoom back in for a closer look. In cases like this, some Pro Tools users…
