From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Automation modes

Automation modes

- [Instructor] In my Pro Tools 101 course, I introduced three primary automation modes: off mode, read mode and write mode. Here, I'll expand on that discussion by covering touch mode and latch mode. These two modes offer greater flexibility than write mode. I'll illustrate using a section of the keys track here to write some volume automation during the pre-chorus. I'll start play back a little before bar 13, so you can hear the area we're focusing on. And what I'll want to do is push the levels up a bit to feature the keyboards during the break around bar 15. So let's take a listen. (upbeat music) So right in here, I'd like keyboards to be a bit louder. (upbeat music) All right, so this track is currently in read mode, and that means it'll play back any existing automation on the track, but I can't write automation. If I'd like to ignore existing automation, I can put the track in off mode. In off mode,…
