From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Auditioning multiple record takes

Auditioning multiple record takes

- [Narrator] After recording multiple takes, you next need to audition the various options, to determine which one works the best. The playlist function in Pro Tools, makes this process simple, if you've recorded your takes to alternate playlists using the preference settings I described in the last video. In this case, you can rotate through your record takes from the playlists, placing them on the track one at a time, and auditioning them each in turn. Let's take a look. Here, I'm working in the crash down session, after recording multiple takes to playlists for a section of the guitar one track. Now I'll use the Cycle Audio feature in Pro Tools, to audition each of the record takes, and determine which one to use. Pro Tools lets you cycle the audio within your selection, from the record takes that exist on your alternate playlists, using convenient keyboard shortcuts. You can press Command + Shift + Down Arrow, to…
