From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Audition paths and default output bus

Audition paths and default output bus

and bus options for our sessions. and the default output bus. path selector down here. So the reason you might change this is to prevent auditions from playing through the main outputs. auditions from playing through the main outputs. So let's say your talent is listening to playback from Pro Tools through their headphones and as they listen you also want to be auditioning some sound effects or drum loops or other audio assets from within the control room and you don't want the talent to be hearing that. So what you can do is set the audition path here to your near-field speakers. to your near-field speakers. First off, you won't have to listen to the main outputs, which lets you focus to the main outputs, which lets you focus simply on the audio that you're considering simply on the audio that you're considering importing into the session. importing into the session. And secondly, the talent doesn't have to hear your auditions as…
