From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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The main Pro Tools windows

The main Pro Tools windows

the software's main windows. Let's get a high-level overview of the parts of the Edit window, the Mix window, and the Transport window. or the top-right corner on Windows. to expand the window without entering full-screen view. So, hold the Option key, and then click on the button here. the edit mode buttons, Shuffle, Slip, Spot, and Grid. We'll spend some time discussing these modes The zoom controls for horizontal and vertical zoom on your tracks, So, as I click to different locations, Next to that, we find the Grid and Nudge value selectors. In this window, you'll also see the track list in the right-hand column. You can resize these columns by clicking and dragging at the column edge with the double-headed arrow. at the column edge with the double-headed arrow. The columns can also be hidden by clicking the Show/Hide icons by clicking the Show/Hide icons at the bottom corners adjacent to each column. Switching to the Mix window, we can immediately get a sense…
