From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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Solution: Importing media

Solution: Importing media

and then saving it as DHY Remix 03. Import, and navigate to the 01 Files To Import folder. Then I'll select all the audio files and copy them into my sessions Audio Files folder, by clicking the Copy button and proceeding. This screen shows that the Audio Files folder is currently selected as the destination, so I'll click Open to proceed. In the Import Options dialog box, Next I'll deselect the files in the Clip List by clicking at the bottom of the list, and then start dragging each file to the start of its respective track. If I drop a file at the wrong location during this process, to pick it up again, and drag it to where it needs to be. Again copying them into my Audio Files folder I'll select New Track as the destination, I'll select New Track as the destination, and click Okay to proceed. So now Pro Tools added those files to new tracks in my session, and with the new tracks created I'll just clean up their names by double-clicking on the track nameplate,…
