From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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MIDI in Pro Tools

MIDI in Pro Tools

- [Instructor] Music production in Pro Tools commonly involves work with MIDI data in a session. When using MIDI, you'll be able of virtual instruments available for Pro Tools, to life-like strings, horns, and orchestral sounds, and everything in between. The term MIDI stands a protocol for connecting sound modules, Like a piece of sheet music, a MIDI file is a set of instructions How the performance sounds depends a whole lot on what instrument is being used to play it. Beethoven's Ode to Joy will sound much different when played on a trumpet than when played on a piano, at any time, thereby changing the sound source The reason for this difference has to do with file size. Pro Tools provides two types of tracks MIDI tracks and instrument tracks. with a MIDI clip in the clip list. select the track first by clicking on its name plate. Pro Tools will create new tracks adjacent to the selected track. Here, I've selected the vocal track for that purpose. To create tracks, you…
