From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

Edit tool functions

- [Instructor] To work with the media on your tracks in Pro Tools, you'll commonly use the edit tools provided in the edit window toolbar. You'll want to be familiar with how to use each of these tools to work efficiently and with confidence. Let's take a look at how these edit tools function. We'll start by playing back a bit of this session to get an idea of what we're working with. Now often times, you'll want to reposition the playback location to hear a part of the session that you're interested in. You can do that using the selector tool, this one here. And now I'll reposition playback to bar two by clicking on a track with the selector tool at that location. in the transport controls over here, but you'll find it easier to control playback using the space bar. (upbeat jazz music) and then press it again to stop. Now if you want to get a closer view, you can use the zoomer tool to click on a track. That's this one here that looks like a magnifying glass. Each time you click, you'll zoom in one level. If you find that you zoomed in too far, you can hold the option modifier on Mac, or alt on Windows, and the zoom tool will turn into a zoom out function and then each click will zoom out a level. To remove unwanted material, you can use the trim tool, this one here. I'll use this tool to trim the start and end of the drums clip by positioning the tool over the clip and then clicking and dragging to the desired location. I'll quickly jump to the end of the selected clip using the right arrow key, and I'll do the same thing to trim off the end. And now I'll press return to jump back to the beginning of the session. We've already seen that we can use the selector tool to position playback, we can also use it to make a selection for playback or editing purposes. To select and move a slip, use the grabber tool, this one here that looks like a hand icon. To audition part of a clip, use the scrubber tool. Click and drag with the mouse in either direction to scrub. (upbeat drum beat) You can also scrub between two tracks to audition up to two tracks at once in either direction. (music being played backwards) To draw in changes, we can use the pencil tool. Now the pencil tool is commonly used for automation and also for drawing midi. Here we're going to make a change to this synth part by drawing in some midi notes. (synthesized music) You'll hear Pro Tools play back and you work so that you can audition the notes as you add them in. (synthesized music) As you can see, Pro Tools makes it really easy to edit the audio and the midi data on your tracks. The trick is to use the right tool for the job. By selecting the proper tool, you can easily zoom, trim, select, move, audition, create zoom, trim, select, move, audition, create and manipulate your media as desired. and manipulate your media as desired.
