From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics

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Conducting an audio record pass

Conducting an audio record pass

is simple and straightforward. and see various ways to complete a record pass. We can also record-enable the track from the Edit window. The record button flashes red in either window when armed. To initiate a record pass, To initiate a record pass, we first need to place the session in record-ready mode as well. We can do this using the record button We can do this using the record button in the Transport window or in the Edit window toolbar if the transport controls are displayed there. Once the session is in record-ready mode, Once the session is in record-ready mode, we can initiate recording by clicking the play button or by pressing space bar. (funky music) A red waveform appears showing us the recording in progress. To stop recording, we can click the stop button or press the space bar again. And the recorded audio gets committed to the track. Now this record pass has illustrated a problem. The bass player was not able to…
