From the course: Positive Psychology for Less Stress and Happier Workdays

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Discovering genuine gratitude

Discovering genuine gratitude

- Much has been made of the importance of gratitude's effects on our mental health. From gratitude journals to gratitude meditations, we know that it's good for us to experience it and express it. So it might be surprising to learn that gratitude can be particularly good for our professional selves. In fact, gratitude is linked to less stress, fewer health complaints, higher job satisfaction, and higher self-efficacy in the workplace. But practicing gratitude at our jobs can often feel strange, especially if we feel that we have to absolutely love our jobs in order to feel it. It's important to recognize that there are many ways to incorporate gratitude into our work days that are helpful for mental health, and they often run counter to our cultural expectations about what being grateful means. To start, gratitude does not mean being glad for all aspects of something or being happy that something turned out a certain way.…
