From the course: Planning Your Career and Your Life

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Wrap up

Wrap up

- So that's everything I want to say about goals. I can't stress how important it is. So, if you haven't done it yet, I want you to write your list of goals, achieve and enjoy, home and at work. And remember that money is the last thing that should be on your goals. If anything, time is more important than money, and I would consider sacrificing a bit of money in order to have more time. But if your goals are about things that you want to do, rather than things you want to have, then that will bias you towards time anyway, and take you away from money. So you don't want to have materialistic goals, you want to have time goals, you want to have quality of life, enjoyment, achievement-type goals, which are about things that you're going to do. So once you've got your goals, you can then start the search for a job, or a career, that's going to give you those goals. And that's what we're going to look at next, the restless…
