From the course: Piano Lessons: 3 Sight Reading & Classical Pieces

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Introduction to "Moonlight Sonata"

Introduction to "Moonlight Sonata"

- Now we're gonna work on one of the masterpieces in all of music literature, the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. This is easily in the top five or 10 pieces that people wish that they could play. And guess what, you are going to learn how to play this. I'm gonna show you some amazing tips and tricks for being able to play a melody and a harmony at the same time with one hand, we've seen this before, but this is even more involved. We'll also be working on getting your octaves to be able to play in succession more easily, and we've got this amazing ending that you've just gotta hear to believe. It sounds incredibly difficult, but hopefully I do a good job of breaking it down for you so you see the secret pattern inside and can learn it and play it and feel comfortable and really just, I hope you have a lot of fun. That's the key, have fun as you play and it sounds amazing right from the get go.
