From the course: Photoshop-Illustrator-InDesign Powercombo for Design

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Grayscale images for monotone print

Grayscale images for monotone print

- [Instructor] In the next exercise, we'll take a look at how you can easily convert your full color images to a monotone version by combining Adobe Photoshop with Adobe InDesign. Here I have a normal CMYK image, a normal text frame, and a logo which I placed from Adobe Illustrator. Now it is important to know that this logo comes with a Pantone color, which is a green color, and I would like to reuse the exact same color to recolor the background image and the text frame I have here in the foreground. Now converting the text frame is very easy. I'm just going to click the text frame and apply this Pantone color. Now let's work on the image instead. I'll click the image, right click, and I'll choose Edit Original to open this up in Adobe Photoshop. Now here in Adobe Photoshop, it is important to notice that this image is a CMYK image. And the way to make this work is to convert this into a grayscale version instead. So…
