From the course: Photoshop-Illustrator-InDesign Powercombo for Design

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Creating layer comps in Photoshop

Creating layer comps in Photoshop

- Let's explore a Photoshop Layer Comps and use them to make it seem as if we have two different versions of this website design I have here. And the reason this is interesting is because we can access this Layer Comp, not only in Photoshop but also in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and even in (mumbles) Photoshop documents as well. Let's get started. Here are my start documents. I have a design of a webpage that I'm currently working on and I have a whole set of layers here, good to go, so I have my home contents, I have my product contents. The reason I'm doing this is because I want to make it easy for myself to present both the home contents and the product content to my customer, or later use any one of these versions in other Photoshop documents or even in InDesign or Illustrator. Now let me show you how you would usually do this if you're not using Layer Comps. So imagine this is my first version, the home…
