From the course: Photoshop for Designers: Color

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Sepia tone and split tone

Sepia tone and split tone

- [Instructor] In this movie I'm going to look at two related color treatments, sepia toning and split toning. Let's begin with two ways to create a sepia tone effect in Photoshop. The first is to use a hue saturation adjustment layer, and if I come to my presets, you can see that we have a sepia toning preset. So that's one option, let's just turn that off. Secondly, if I come to my black and white adjustment filter, there's no sepia toning preset, but we do have the option to tint the image, and by default the tint that we get is a kind of sepia tone tint. You can click and that takes us to the color picker, where we can adjust the exact color of the tint. Let's now look at the example of split toning. Split toning is an effect similar to duotoning. Like sepia toning, it has its origins in the days of film, but where it differs from sepia toning is that we have the option of applying one color to the highlights and another color to the shadows. If you are starting out with a camera…
