From the course: PFTrack Essential Training

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Make Object node

Make Object node

- [Instructor] In these next two videos we're going to take a look at a couple of different approaches to solving objects that are moving within the 3D camera. Now we've already solved the Box object as a static object with a camera moving around it and we can use that information to be added into a 3D camera solve using the Make Object node. So here on the right hand side we have our object solve that we did in the previous video. On the left we have an auto match where I took the roto shape from the box off inverted the map and then tracked the background. We have our camera solve and then we've oriented the scene. So the way this works is, let's right-click on the orient camera go down to utilities and click on make object. And the way that make object node works is the first input will be our 3D camera solve and the right input is expecting a camera solve that's going to be used as an object within the first inputs camera…
