From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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Using a macro to conserve CPU and select song presets

Using a macro to conserve CPU and select song presets - Ableton Live Tutorial

From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

Using a macro to conserve CPU and select song presets

Having an entire show in one file in very convenient. Every sound for every song is within easy reach. All plugins are loaded when you first open it. And transitions between songs can be instant, if you like. Of course, this comes with a price. And the Live set that contains devices, effects, and multiple instances of plugins for 20 or 30 songs. Not to mention potentially tracks of audio playback. The processing power required will start adding up pretty quickly. I once estimated that the current St. Vincent live set contains well over 1200 instrument and effect devices. Some of them have a very tiny processing footprint. And some of them are real CPU hogs. But I have found that when it comes to processing power, it pays to be a Scrooge at all times. If you make it a habit to always be mindful of your system's resources and leave plenty of headroom on the CPU meter. You can virtually eliminate any chances of audio dropouts or glitches. My sounds are organized in the master instrument…
