From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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Switching sounds within the song preset

Switching sounds within the song preset

When playing live, I always find myself looking for ways to do more. I might already have my hands and my keyboard range full with these three parts, but I also want to play these two other parts in that other section and so on. Ableton's chain selector is a simple and powerful tool that can route MIDI to a chain in the rack and help me switch sounds to my heart's content. First thing to do is to group the three sounds I already have laid out into a single chain. Select them and press Cmd or Ctrl+G. Cmd or Ctrl+R to name the new chain, let's say verse. In the chain list, Ctrl+Click and select Create Chain. Before adding any sounds to it, click on this Chain button to open the chain select zone editor. You might be familiar with the key zone editor I used to create keyboards splits in the first chain here. The Chain Select Zone editor is a similar concept. Except the default length of a zone is one, and the position of this orange bar called chain selector, determines which chains…
