From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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Software overview

Software overview

A computer is just an expensive toy without the software. So let's talk about what software is used to make this show happen. Ableton Live is at the center here and I rely on it very heavily in terms of routing and keyboard sound design, drum sound design, all MIDI operations. Literally everything that happens in the show, happens, in this machine. Ableton is integrated very tightly with Reason by Propellerheads. It runs in the background and I never see it. But it contains, a pretty huge rack of software instruments that are used in different songs. I find reason to be really great for some sounds, although I use Ableton sound design capabilities just as much if not more. There's several other plug-ins in Ableton that are responsible for maybe of the majority of the sounds that I generate as a keyboard player. My most recent favorite is an instrument called Diva by u-he. It's a great analog synthesizer emulator, great flexibility for design. I really love it. String Machine by GForce…
