From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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In-ear monitors

In-ear monitors

When click is used heavily in a show like this, the last thing we want is for the audience to hear it, because we want to keep the spell. So we need to make sure that the click is only heard by the people who need to hear it, which is the band, and maybe some of the crew. For that purpose, we use in-ear monitors and wireless backs that come with them. These are provided to me by our monitor engineer. Clip them onto my belt here. Pretty amazing. It creates sort of a whole other show in our in-ear mixes that doesn't necessarily have much to do with what it sounds like to the audience. Because we need to hear certain things in order to be able to perform the song properly. And that might not be the mix that is ideal for the song for front of the house. So, that's why a monitor engineer's job is so important. Especially with in-ears, because they give you so much control. Another useful thing about using in-ear monitors, or sometimes headphones work just as well, is that it eliminates…
