From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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Creating a song preset in an Instrument Rack

Creating a song preset in an Instrument Rack

Ableton has a powerful set of features to help a keyboard player, drummer, or really any MIDI performer organize and keep track of their sound presets. It's pretty easily manageable, even in complex live sets with multiple sound sources, and hundreds of sounds. This seems to be an often overlooked aspect of Ableton's functionality, so let's explore how we might go about building instrument presets. I have a few clips in this scene for context as we work on these sounds. You can safely ignore them for now. I'll create a new MIDI track, specify my controller input and MIDI channel, and turn on monitoring. I should name the track. Now I'll create a preset with a few sounds for our first song. Let's start with this pad that I included in the exercise files. Drag it into the track. Let's see what it sounds like. Maybe a little tweak. If you look inside this retronica preset, you'll see that it is actually a combination of devices that Ableton calls a rack. A rack contains layered chains of…
