From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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Count-off and starting pitch

Count-off and starting pitch

>> Another element of how a song starts is count off. And that's traditionally done by the drummer. In our case, we keep things very quiet between songs and we let the computer count us off. It's doing everything else, why not this. So when I hit the Play button for the next song, the click starts, and we hear a voice counting off, one, two, three, four, and then we're ready to go. >> If we're sending click into the band's ears, we might as well use that channel for a couple more useful tricks. One of them is a recorded voice count off to go with the click, so the first downbeat of the song is never in doubt. The drummer yelling out the count at the top of the song is a time honored tradition. But click and count off in your ears is a nice alternative, if you'd rather not give anything away before the song starts. It can also mean a one measure count off, instead of the usual two. Where ordinarily the drummer would need to hear one measure of click, before counting in the rest of the…
