From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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Adding songs in nested Racks

Adding songs in nested Racks

I have my first song sketched up with four chains in this rack, each with some chains of it's own. To move onto the second song, I'll need to add another rack into this MIDI track. Similar to how I stacked the chains into a rack in the first song, I can now select this rack and use Cmd or Ctrl+G to create a new rack containing this one. Let's hide this. This is a rack within a rack, also called a nested rack. you can have unlimited nested racks in Ableton allowing for some pretty wildly complex sound and layers. No need to go any further up the rack hierarchy in this case. I'll refer to it as the master rack, and name it PCI 500. Now, I'm ready to go ahead with the sounds from my second song. Perhaps a piano-like sound. When I drag it into the master rack, it becomes the second chain. You see right away that the MIDI controller needs a way to differentiate between the chains here and make sure chains for different songs are never playing at the same time. Ableton's Chain Selector…
