From the course: Performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent

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Ableton drum presets

Ableton drum presets

Electronic drum triggers and pads, mounted on a drum kit, communicate with a trigger to MIDI converter, to generate MIDI notes. And send them to your system. So working with them is not much different than working with other MIDI controllers. That would include for example the popular Roland SPD-S. Which has its own MIDI output. The sounds for each song can be organized into nested racks, the same way that we did with keyboards, except the samples and device change will be contained in drum racks rather than instrument racks. I'll grab a drum rack now. Ableton creates a new MIDI track as we drop it into this open area. I'll name it TMC1 for the trigger to MIDI converter. Select my media source, and turn on monitoring. The drum rack looks like a four by four drum pad and all 128 MIDI notes are accessed by moving this window on the left. Drum pads and modules will often, by default, transmit MIDI notes that will show up all over the range. They're indicated by these little green dots…
