From the course: Painting Foundations: Acrylic

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Palette choice

Palette choice

- So in terms of palette choice for your acrylic painting, I tend to use two different types of palette. One's called a tear-off palette, and you can see here that when I peel up the palette, it actually tears off for the next layer of painting. So you can have a really clean palette to start with, put out all your colors, and when they've dried off onto the palette, you just peel that off, throw it away, and then you've got a fresh painting surface underneath to put all your paints out onto. The tear-off palettes also come in a gray tone, and this can be very handy if you're painting a bit more classically, and you want to really judge your tones for portrait painting, they can be especially handy having a gray pad to work on top of. The other palette that I use is called a Stay-Wet palette. So for a Stay-Wet palette you've got two parts. You've got the blotting paper part, and the grease-proof paper part. And all we've got to do is put the blotting paper part down first, and then…
