From the course: Nuke New Features Consolidated

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CameraTracker: Cleaning up the solve

CameraTracker: Cleaning up the solve - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke New Features Consolidated

CameraTracker: Cleaning up the solve

- [Instructor] Masking off regions of the still photos that we want the camera tracker to ignore can be done by drawing Rotos using either the Roto or RotoPaint nodes. Because you will normally be working with just selected frames out of a group like in this example, you'll want to draw individual Rotos for each key frame. And set the lifetime of each Roto to limit it to just the frame it belongs to. So I've already done the work over here. I'm going to hook this up. Hook the viewer to my Roto node, share the property bin. I'll jump to frame five and show you what I got. Here's the alpha channel. So I have a mask that just covers the actual parts of the building. The trees are masked off, the cars are gone and the light posts are gone. Anything that's not the building is masked off. So let's see how that works. So we'll select that, go get another camera tracker, same set up, sequence of stills. This time I have to turn on the mask. Now the mask is in the alpha channel of the source…
