From the course: NoSQL Essential Training

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Solution: Relational or NoSQL

Solution: Relational or NoSQL - NoSQL Tutorial

From the course: NoSQL Essential Training

Solution: Relational or NoSQL

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Curious to see how you did in determining the best solution for given scenario? Let's take a look. First up, we have our Entrepreneurial Drive-Share app and NoSQL, would be a great fit here. It's a consumer focused app. So focus on flexibility and scalability with eventual consistency is very appropriate. We want the user experience to be smooth and quick, and we want to help our developers who work in agile sprints to be able to work outside of strict schemas. It's an ideal NoSQL scenario. Next up, we have our Enterprise Financial App. And when you think of a financial app I hope you're thinking about transactions. And if high data consistency is needed. In addition, we know we're working internally with an enterprise bank. So that app won't be shared with the world. Scalability is not necessarily of importance here. Given all of these conditions a relational database with its focus on…
