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What is gamification?

What is gamification?

- Gamification is one of the hot buzz-words in recent years. Everyone seems to be talking about this, and the buzz went to a new level in the pandemic as teachers tried to find a way to keep their online K-12 classes engaged and interested in school. But what exactly is this gamification thing? Wikipedia defines gamification as the application of game design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. That's moderately helpful, but it would be more helpful if there were examples. Fortunately, pretty much everywhere you look, there are gamification elements in play. Let's have a look at This is a simple blogging platform. If you have ever tried blogging before, you know that when you start, it's super exciting. You have lots of things to say, but over time, your enthusiasm wanes a bit. And before long, it's just another abandoned blog. Micro blog incorporated some gamification elements into their…
