From the course: Negotiating Your Compensation Package

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Research your worth through networking

Research your worth through networking

From the course: Negotiating Your Compensation Package

Research your worth through networking

- When it comes to calculating your market worth, I know it's tempting to just go online and fall down a research rabbit hole. But you need to have courageous conversations with real people in your industry. Sometimes, those online resources are way off and the best salary information is never found online. You might be thinking, how do I even approach someone to discuss salary? First, ask to ask. Reach out via email or ask for a phone call or coffee meet-up and say that you're looking to gain insight into the industry and would love their advice. When it comes to talking about the taboo subject of money, keep in mind you might not want to bring this up at work or in public and not everyone's going to want to discuss their pay with you, and that's okay. You just need a handful of folks to be transparent with you. And you want to make sure to ask equal numbers of men and women. So here's how to delicately ask folks about…
