Dans le cours : Nano Tips for Mental Agility and Resilience with Gemma Leigh Roberts

Building confidence to deal with challenges

- Belief in your ability to deal with challenges effectively is one of the core components of building resilience. I'm Gemma Leigh Roberts, a chartered psychologist and author. And I'm going to teach you a really quick and simple way that you can boost your confidence and resilience at the same time. The first step is to take some time this week to reflect on challenges that you have faced. In particular, you want to focus on what was in your control when you were dealing with the challenges, and what was out of your control. You might also want to consider where you were focusing your energy, on the part of the situation you could or couldn't control. Often, we can spend much of our time thinking about parts of a challenge that we just can't change. But to build resilience, we need to switch that focus onto what we can change. The second step is to think about your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. All too often, we forget the small wins along the way. And we focus on parts of our working life that just didn't go to plan. You can rectify this by reflecting on small achievements and celebrating them along the way, which is an important process, as this primes your thinking towards achievements, which, over time, can make achieving goals part of your everyday life, which can build your confidence in the process. The final step is to take some time to ponder how you would achieve your goals again. Would you do it in the same way? If so, acknowledging this sends a message to your subconscious mind. You can be confident that you can find ways to achieve your goals. You might also identify other ways that you would achieve the same goal, perhaps tweaking your approach slightly. Again, this is brilliant, because you are learning and adapting your approach, which over time, can build your belief in your ability to deal with challenges.

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