From the course: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

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Understanding MVC: Model View Controller

Understanding MVC: Model View Controller

- [Instructor] At the core of every framework is the concept of patterns or architectural patterns. Patterns are simply abstract ways to organize your programming. One of the most basic patterns, and one used by all the frameworks we discuss in this course, is MVC. MVC stands for model-view-controller, and this pattern represents the concept of breaking your application down into three coherent parts. The model or data layer, the view or user interface, and the controller which mediates UI interactions and updates to the model. To break down an interaction, the user will interact with the user interface, which is coded in the view layer. This can be clicking a button or adding an item to a shopping cart, something like that. The user inputs will then be handled by the controller and they'll be done in some kind of a handler or callback in Javascript or something like that, and then the form maybe will submit or go to a different URL. If necessary, the controller will notify the model…
