From the course: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

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Choosing the right framework

Choosing the right framework

- [Narrator] In addition to the programmatic concepts we discussed in the framework concepts movie, it will also be important to look at some other key elements when deciding which framework to use. This includes things such as licensing, lightweight versus heavyweight, documentation, community support, complexity and performance. All of these are key considerations when you're determining which framework to use for your application. Just as a note, we're going to discuss an actual comparison of the frameworks we look at at this course, once we've gone through all the frameworks, and at the end of the course. One thing to look at with these frameworks is whether they're lightweight or heavyweight. Some of these frameworks are very lightweight, and simply provide a simple structure for you to follow when you're developing apps, but where you take it from there, and how you implement different aspects of the application is completely up to you. Others, including Symphony, and CakePHP…
