From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: The Fundamentals

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Voice leading two notes and three notes with major triads

Voice leading two notes and three notes with major triads

From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: The Fundamentals

Voice leading two notes and three notes with major triads

- We've looked at voice leading a single note between triads, so let's explore voice leading to, or even all three of the notes of the triad, to another chord. To keep it simple, I'll only use this technique to transition between the seven triads of the major scale. As we start to use more complex harmonies, the ability to transition smoothly and efficiently from chord to chord will become essential. We'll find that we can create dramatic shifts in the listener's sense of the tonic by moving the notes between chords in small intervals. The result of voice leading progressions this way is twofold, creating something easy to play and hear that also has a rich harmonic texture. It's a win-win. While the concept of voice leading chord progression stays the same from instrument to instrument, our approach to them is colored by the physicality of an instrument. As we examine harmonies with more than three notes, not only…
