From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: The Fundamentals

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Triads: The basics of chords

Triads: The basics of chords

- Chords are the building blocks of songs. They set the structure for where the melody of a song can go. Chords can consist of two or more notes but typically they are made of at least three notes and often more. A triad is a three-note chord arranged in intervals of thirds. Creating a triad can be easily done by stacking every other note within a scale. Constructing triads this way teaches us one of the most important concepts in harmony. All chords are built from scales. Since the only scale we've examined thus far is the major scale, let's look at the triads we can create by using the notes of just the major scale. And for simplicity sake, I'll use the key of C major to demonstrate. Let's start with C. (piano notes playing) We'll skip D and then play E. (piano notes playing) Then skip F and play G. (piano notes playing) These three notes, C, E, G, (piano notes playing) played simultaneously create a…
