From the course: Music Production: Techniques and Concepts

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Mastering the song

Mastering the song

- We've arrived at mastering; it's our last stop on the train. To many, mastering is a total mystery. But let's unravel that mystery a little bit, and see how it can add some magic to the track. First of all, what the bleep is mastering? It's many things; let's go into each of these. First of all, mastering can make something louder; it can make it better-sounding. It's a series of compression, and EQ, and widening. It's the sequencing of your material. And by that, I mean, the ordering of the different songs. Do I want this song first, this one second, so on and so forth. It's the fades at the beginning and of songs, and making sure that those are clean, and those are the length that you want. It's the time in between songs. So, if you want there to be two seconds in between songs seven and eight, mastering engineers put that in. But if you want song nine to segue into song ten, they'll do that too, with no time in between, and a nice cross-fade. Very important is the sonic cohesion…
