From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

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Namespaces, collections, documents

Namespaces, collections, documents - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

Namespaces, collections, documents

- [Instructor] From a technical point of view, this represents a MongoDB deployment with one replica set with three MongoDBs. But when you are using the database, most of the underlying architecture is stripped away. Inside your MongoDB deployment, your data is organized into databases. It may be confusing to hear that there can be multiple databases inside your database. The way I think about it, is you have one database deployment and inside your deployment, you can then have one or more databases. Most of the time, all data that belongs to one application like a blog, will be in one database. Inside each database, there are collections. A collection is a grouping of MongoDB documents. For a blog, there might be a user's collection and a posts collection. Inside each collection are documents. Documents form the basic unit of data in MongoDB and each document contains one individual record. For an author's…
