From the course: MongoDB Essential Training

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Install MongoDB on Mac

Install MongoDB on Mac

- [Instructor] In this video, we are going to install MongoDB, the MongoDB shell, and the MongoDB tools on a Mac. If you are not on a Mac, please watch one of the other two videos. My favorite way of installing MongoDB is using a tool called m, which is a MongoDB version manager that allows you to have multiple versions of MongoDB installed at the same time. To install m, we're going need something called npm, which is the Node Package Manager. If you don't have Node installed already, I recommend you look for something called nvm, which is the Node Version Manager, and use it to install the latest version of Node. If you're not sure whether you have Node installed, go to your terminal and type in npm version. If you get back a document like this, you have Node installed and can continue as is. All right, let's get back to installing m. So, let me copy this command over here and paste it into my terminal. All right…
