From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Working with demo data

Working with demo data

- [Tutor] If you have a look at your Wazobia application, you'll see that the code for it in your index.html pretty much has not a lot going on. We've just imported the Tailwind CSS library and the MongoDB room SDK JS library. And that's about it. Now let's go ahead and look at what this looks like in the browser. So I'm just going to head to the Chrome browser here, and you're just going to see an empty blank page. And this is what we expect since we don't really have anything inside of the code. Let's go ahead and change this. Firstly, we're going to head back to the code here. So we're going to go to visual studio and I want you to go ahead and open a bunch of files from your Demo Data. Now, le me show you what files I want you to open. So let's head to your Demo Data folder. If you go to the Demo Data folder, there're a bunch of files but for this particular video, we're going to need the homepage.html file,…
