From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Working with code sample files

Working with code sample files - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

Working with code sample files

- [Instructor] Something you may or may not know about this course is that, at some point, we are going to be working with real HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. This will enable us to create a fully-fledged application, which we have called the Wasabi application, and interact with the MongoDB room SDK. Now, in order to aid us in our attempt to create the Wasabi application, I have created some demo-data for us and some files here. When you download the files that come this particular course, and unzip and open it. You'd see two folders. The first folder will be titled demo-data, which you'll see some HTML files, and a Jason file, called Sites the Jason. The second one would be the access files, where you're going to have some sample code, that reflects whatever we've done at a specific point in time in the course. Now, for the majority of this course, you are going to be working with the demo data here. This contains…
