From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Setting up the WaZoBia application

Setting up the WaZoBia application - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

Setting up the WaZoBia application

- [Instructor] In this step, I'm going to show you how to set up the Wazobia application with all the basic things that we're going to need in order to work with it. The Wazobia application is going to be a web application using HTML, CSS and Java script. The first thing we're going to need is to create a folder where this particular application will live. I've gone ahead to create a folder titled Wazobia for the Wazobia application. And I've opened up this empty folder inside of visual studio code. In this particular course, I'm going to be using visual studio code as my chosen IDE. Feel free to use any IDE be it (indistinct), web store, or anything of your choosing. For the sake of this course, again, I will be using visuals through code that is very easy to use. The first thing we are going to go ahead and do is to install Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS is a very popular TSS library that is rapidly growing. If you…
