From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

Intro to MongoDB Cloud

- [Instructor] Building applications that interacted database is very fun. However, this process can quickly become very daunting and stressful. This is because developers sometimes spend too much time worrying about so many things that is necessary for the applications versus just get into grips with building applications directly. Over the past few years, a few technologies have tried to solve this problem. A lot of these technologies have provided people with database as a service type solutions, but even then sometimes the solutions are not quite great enough. This is where Mongo DB Realm comes in. Mongo DB Realm is an amazing technology. My name is Sani Yusuf, and I welcome you to the Mongo DB Essential Training. In this particular course, we're going to focus on how we can build great applications with Mongo DB using the Mongo DB Realm, and Mongo DB Atlas platform. This platform makes it easy for us to build applications without worrying too much about the infrastructure. Applications that require a lot of setup that may take days simply become much easier with Mongo DB Realm, and Mongo DB Atlas. Now without further ado, let's get started.
